Dr. Gandhi is a Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon practicing in Mumbai, having honed his skills under Prof. Wilfried Schilli, Director of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Freiberg university, Germany & under Prof. Karl Kahnberg, Director of the Maxillofacial department at the University of Goteborg, Sweden for Hard & Soft tissue surgery.
He has trained for Endoscopic Sinus surgery at the Ninewells Hospital, Dundee & Blackpool Victoria teaching hospital, Manchester, UK.
Dr. Gandhi is the Fellow and registered speaker of the ITI (International Team for Implantology), a Fellow of the International College of Dentists and a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral
Implantologists. He remains on board as a reviewer and section editor for multiple international journals. He is an opinion leader for Biohorizons, Medesy and Geistlich.
He has conducted numerous CDE programs and workshops related to implant surgery and prosthetics nationally and internationally. He has mentored implant training programs for nurturing young clinicians under the banner of Fusion Education, an organization that conducts CDE courses for dental surgeons across India.
He has several national and international publications to his credit .
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