Speaker Profile

Dr. Mayur Khairnar


Dr. Mayur Khairnar has pursued Masters In Periodontology and Implantology. Later he continued his journey with great zeal in field of oral Implantology. He is fellow of ISOI and ICOI.

He is Diplomate to ICOI as well.

He is an international researcher with 12 publications  and 5 patents and design registration

registered under him.

He has conducted Clinical Courses & workshop in many cities across India, Egypt, Jordan, Dubai, Italy, Spain, Israel, Russia, Ukraine and many more Countries across the globe.

With an  experience of placement of25000 plus  dental implants in his career, He has trained numerous dentists and clinician with the concept  of All on Basal Cortical, an immediate loading concept aim to improve Quality of Life.

He is specialized for  pterygoid , Zygoma, Nasal floor and lingual cortical engagement with both one piece and Two piece limplants in reasoned cases.

He always believe "No matter What is bone condition, our treatment must be intented to improve Quality of life of the patient.” Thus his practice is more focused on Graftless solution with immediate loading protocols for highly resorbed and atrophied cases.


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