On-demand Video

Minimizing Complications in Crestal Sinus Lift with Magnetic Mallet- An Innovative Trial

Crestal sinus lift is a widely used technique in implant dentistry to increase bone height in the posterior maxilla. However, conventional osteotome techniques can be associated with complications such as membrane perforation, patient discomfort, and excessive force application.

This innovative trial explores the use of the Magnetic Mallet, a dynamic, magnetically driven instrument that enhances precision and reduces trauma during sinus lift procedures. By delivering controlled and measured impulses, the Magnetic Mallet facilitates minimally invasive bone expansion, decreases the risk of sinus membrane perforation, and improves patient outcomes.

The session will highlight clinical insights, case studies, and comparative results demonstrating how this advanced technology optimizes crestal sinus lift procedures, making them safer, more predictable, and efficient for implant placement.

This topic is essential for implantologists, periodontists, and oral surgeons looking to refine their techniques and improve success rates in sinus augmentation procedures.

This course includes:
  • Leading Industry Speaker
  • Evidence-Based Content
  • Expertly Delivered Presentations
  • And much more..

   Video Source: Pre-recorded

   Language: English

1 week ago
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