About Company
VK dental India Pvt Ltd was formed in July 2017 in Bangalore. The Company is Registered and Licenced in India through Central Drug And Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) Govt Of India.
- Monoimplant Implants are designed by Novodent SA with its main production plant based in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
- We work on the principle of Cortico-Basal implantology: They can be applied where little vertical bone is present.They can be loaded into position immediately after tooth extraction.From no teeth to enhanced Smile in 72 hours.They have a lower potential risk than conventional dental implants.Time and cost saving.Guaranteed implantation without bone grafting and with immediate loading.Very high success rate (99%) even in patient with diabetes, periodontal diseases and smokers as well.Provisional (or) long term fixed teeth in 3 to 5 days after replacement of implants.Immediate Functional Loading Protocol.
- We are the importer and sole distributor of Immediate Functional Loading Of Implants (Cortico-Basal implants ) of I Novodent SA (Switzerland) in India.
- The Company has emerged as a Business Leader in marketing and distribution of CORTICO-BASAL IMPLANTS in India and has reach in almost all states across India.